Our Offerings

Choose the nature experience that’s right for your child.


Designed for ages 2-10, all ages welcomed.
Drop-off for ages 3+, with a caregiver for ages 2 and under.

Douglas Evans Nature Preserve, Beverly Hills, MI
John Stymelski Veteran’s Park, Livonia MI

One or two days per week, register by the season Fall-Spring or by the month in July & August. Offered year round.
(We re-evaluate the schedule each season. Email us your input!)

We are explorers, observers, climbers, and sliders. Thinkers, tinkerers, discoverers and nature lovers! Let’s marvel at the wonders that surround us in our natural world. Each day filled with joy, blooming friendships and never-ending skill building. We hike our trail, friends by our side; each day filled with new discoveries, when we are outside!

The rhythm of this group flexes and follows the interests of the children as a group, with the addition of grounding circle times. We offer a co-op snack and occasional nature-based activity based on the topics that have naturally emerged during the previous week’s meetings.


Designed for ages 11-16, all ages welcomed.

Ward Woods, Northville Twp, MI

One or two days per week, register by the season Fall-Spring or by the month in July & August. Offered year round.
(We re-evaluate the schedule each season. Email us your input!)

​We are builders, ponderers, wonderers, and sharers. We come together to ground our minds and deepen our connections. Each day with organic opportunities for challenge, observation, discovery, and a sense of acceptance and belonging. This is where we flourish, together. 

Our daily rhythm follows a gentle regular flow, taking the needs and interests of each member into account. We offer a co-op snack, campfire time, and bi-weekly activity offerings. Activities stem from a variety of topics including the pre-existing interests of the kids who are encouraged to share their passions with the group. Other topics may include foraging, survival skills, cooking on the fire, natural artistry & more.


Designed for ages 1.5-8, all ages welcomed.
Caregivers attend with child.

Plymouth Township Park

9 weekly sessions per season, offered year round.
(We re-evaluate the schedule each season. Email us your input!)​

We are thinkers, do-ers and tinkerers; we are Tinkergarten explorers! Let’s let our joy lead the way as we sing and play the nature way. Together, with the outdoors at our core, we can learn to do so much more!

This group offers grounding rituals that welcome every explorer in. Leaders bring thought-provoking ideas & simple materials to the nature classroom as an invitation to play!

Campfire & Hike Free Community Event

Family Night – Second Saturday of The Month

Grown-Ups Night – Last Saturday of The Month

May – Sept from 5:30-7:30 PM

Ward Woods, Northville, MI

Join us once or twice a month to gather, build community and enjoy some grounding time in nature. Bring your picnic dinner and/or something to cook on the fire and make some new friends!

I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it.
— William Shakespeare